


目的语的使用是指学习者所说的一切, 读, 听到, 写, 以及学习者对语言的产生和接受, 教育工作者, 和材料.


目的语的使用是指学习者所说的一切, 读, 听到, 写, 以及学习者对语言的产生和接受, 教育工作者, 和材料. ACTFL建议,除了完全使用目标语言的沉浸式课程模式外,90%或更多的课堂时间通过目标语言进行学习. 目标是让学生沉浸在目标语言中,除非有特殊的理由不使用目标语言.


第二语言习得研究表明,学习者需要尽可能多地接触目标语言才能习得语言. 学习者需要积极地融入目标语言. Just like learning to ride a bike or any other important skill, learning is best achieved by doing. 对许多学习者来说, 在我们的课堂上,宝贵的几分钟是他们一天中体验目标语言的唯一机会. 我们必须为他们提供一个语言丰富的环境,为他们在现实世界中的成功做好准备,从而最大限度地提高他们的曝光率. 同样的, if the goal is for learners to have the proficiency to survive and thrive in the target culture, 无论是在我们的社区还是在大洋彼岸, then authentic target language experiences 和材料 must be provided.

  • 只有当学习者听到老师口头提供的大量有趣的输入时,他们才能习得(内化)语言, 略高于学生目前的能力水平(i + 1), 而且没有按语法顺序排列. (克拉申, (1982)注意,i指的是学习者当前的能力水平,+1代表的是学习者在当前水平之上的下一个能力水平.
  • Students acquire language through meaning-making with others (like solving a puzzle). (维果斯基,1986)
  • When learners 听到 large amounts of comprehensible input and they are engaged in meaning-making, they understand and retain 什么 they 听到 and they use it to form their own messages. (Long, 1981; Swain, 1995)


  • Educators need to be purposeful in their use of the target language in the classroom, 然而, 而不是为了使用语言而使用语言.
  • Educators must ensure that learners are able to get the “gist” of 什么 is being said, 读, 听到, or viewed and understand 什么 they are supposed to be doing to participate successfully at all times; otherwise, 挫折感取而代之.
  • Target language use is necessary but not sufficient for increasing one’s proficiency: That is, 目的语的使用必须伴随着各种策略,以促进理解和支持意义的形成. 可理解的输入和可理解的输出是相辅相成的.
  • Strategies that support using the target language in an immersive environment include:
    • 提供一个语言丰富的环境

      当语言能力是一个项目的目标时, 教学需要在语言丰富的环境中进行. The language rich environment includes everything that the learners encounter: 什么 the instructor says and uses; 什么 is 读 and viewed; 什么 learners access or produce; and online resources whether websites or videochats. 在可能的情况下, the language-rich environment may also include authentic texts and realia around the classroom.

    • Support comprehension and production through context/gestures/visual support

      学习者的理解需要一个开端的语境, 哪些可以通过手势提供, 视觉效果, 对象, 与先前学习或经历的联系. 把学生介绍给家人, 例如, teachers might point to pictures of various families from the target culture and describe. When students are supposed to 写 their names or fill out a certain part of a paper, 老师用一个实际的或预测的版本来建模. 如果学生要回答关于他们最喜欢的运动的问题, 老师可能会有一个投影或打印出来的讲义,上面有各种各样的选择,用图片来描述,这样他/她就可以经常指出并重复这些选择,让学生们回答. 问是/否问题时, the teacher might scaffold with a simple “thumbs up/thumbs down” as he/she repeats “yes or no?” All of these scaffolds assist students in being comfortable and successful in a target language classroom.

    • 注重意义而不是细节

      初学者和中级熟练程度的学习者需要支持来大致理解所听到的内容, 读, 或者在深入挖掘细节或细微差别之前查看. 是否听. 阅读, 或查看, 学习者需要一个强大的背景, 可能需要辅助视觉效果, and need a focused task such as finding out 什么 is new information or figuring out the main idea. Meaning needs to precede form as the basis for comprehension: before looking at letters or characters, 在寻找语法形式或词序的线索之前, 在试图弄清楚细节之前, 学习者应该寻找整体意义.

    • 进行理解性检查以确保理解

      学习者从经常表达自己的理解中受益. 频繁的理解检查有助于学习者感到他们的努力是有价值的,并了解他们需要改进的地方. 他们还为教师提供必要的数据来调整教学.理解力测试的例子包括举起一根或两根手指来表示他们对问题的答案, 在单独的白板上写下回答, 拿着正确的抽认卡来匹配陈述, 安排一组图像来显示理解能力, 使用在线响应工具, 从几个选项中选择最好的总结句, or having students correct their own work using a teacher-provided marker.

    • Negotiate meaning with students and encourage negotiation among students

      教师介绍, 模型, 实践, 并鼓励学习者使用关键短语来协商意思. 最初,这可能是诸如“真的? 我也是!或者“哇!”! 很酷的!“那, 学习者可能会把他们的评论扩展到“我也喜欢它,因为……”或“我同意,因为我也……”然后教育者可能会鼓励学习者使用诸如“that means almost same as ___”这样的短语来讨论新单词.“在人际交往中, 学习者可能需要某些短语使他们的互动更自然,教育者可以提供这些, 将关键短语添加到物理或虚拟的“单词墙”上,供学习者在以后的语言活动中使用.

    • Elicit talk that increases in fluency, accuracy, and complexity over time

      问一些简单的“是”或“否”的问题能让学习者保持在新手水平, 因为自然反应不超过一个词. Educators need to carefully consider 如何 they are expanding the types of questions, 提示, 以及他们正在建模的描述,以确定他们如何引导学习者达到更高的表现水平. 第一步是简单地要求学习者通过添加“谁”来添加更多细节, 什么, 在哪里, 当, 如何, 甚至连为什么都变成了一个基本问题. 当学习者在人际交往任务中练习问这样的问题时, 随着时间的推移,他们互相帮助提高和扩展他们的语言.

    • 鼓励自我表达和自发使用语言

      It is important for learners to realize from the beginning that they can respond in the target language, 尽管只是在单词层面或综合手势. 这可以得到教育工作者的支持,通过使用视觉效果和重复的短语提供大量的选择,这些选择可以很容易地修改. 随着信心的建立, learners should be encouraged to mix and match their language chunks to create their own messages. 将所学的词汇和/或结构应用于新语境的学习者正在开始从初学者过渡到中级学习者.

    • 教学生在面对理解困难时请求澄清和帮助的策略

      保持教育工作者和学习者对目标语言的使用, teach learners phrases needed to ask for help or clarification in the target language (什么? 哈? 你说___是什么意思? ____怎么说? 我不明白. 你能再说一遍吗??). 这些学习辅助工具, 以及其他常见的课堂短语, 可以贴在“单词墙”上,或者印在可以给学习者的列表上,甚至贴在桌子上.

    • Don’t use English (one’s native language) as the default for checking on meaning or understanding:

      同样重要的是,在教学中做出谨慎的决定,决定何时不使用目标语言(将目标语言控制在学生所说内容的10%或更少), 听到, 读, 写, 或视图), 在师生之间的私人交流中,我们可以将其留作更深层次的理解, for reflection on the learning process or for explaining deeper understanding on an assessment. 英语是为非常战略性的目的而保留的, 例如解释为什么这种方法是值得的,以及学习者在这门课上应该期待什么(不是每个单词都知道), but being able to guess at the meaning and s如何 understanding in a variety of ways), to briefly explain a concept that would take too long to act out or demonstrate, 或允许对一个想法进行简短的处理(如.g., 从你听到和使用的所有例子中, 和同伴讨论你认为西班牙语是如何表达占有的). 英语不应该是一个简单的默认选择 否则,学习者只是等着听英语单词. When people are in a country 在哪里 only the target language is 听到 or visible, learners from these immersion settings are the ones who will be comfortable figuring out a sign, 了解店员, ordering in a restaurant because they have worked to “make meaning” in their classroom setting.

      注意: 古典语言, the instructional focus is on the interpretive mode; 然而, 人际对话和陈述性写作任务培养了寻找“主旨”和“块”思考的流畅性,而不是一次读或写一个词.

      在浸入式课程中, 最大化可理解输入的目标是相同的,但上下文不同,L1的包含取决于所使用的模型(e).g., 90/10, 80/20, or 50/50 模型s) and often increases over time (again – for pedagogical reasons, 例如引入英语语言艺术或为科学和数学内容/概念提供英语词汇练习,为国家考试做准备).


克拉申的. D. (1982). 第二语言习得的原则与实践. 牛津,英国:佩加蒙.

长,米. (1981). 输入、互动和第二语言习得. 《电子下注软件》,379,259-278.

小儿麻痹症,C. G., & 达夫,P. A. (1994). 大学外语课堂教师的语言使用:英语与目的语交替的定性分析. 现代语言学报,78(3),313-326.

求爱者,M. (1995). 输出在第二语言学习中的三个功能. 在G. 烹饪 & B. Seidlhofer (Eds.), Principle and 实践 in applied linguistics: Studies in honour of H. G. Widdowson(页. 125-144). 英国牛津:牛津大学出版社.

特恩布尔,M., & 阿奈特,K. (2002). Teachers’ uses of the target and first languages in second and foreign language classrooms. 应用语言学年鉴,22,204-218.

维果斯基,. S. (1986). 《电子下注软件》,修订版. Alex Kozulin, Ed. 剑桥,马萨诸塞州:麻省理工学院出版社.



这个链接包含了许多其他文章的子链接,这些文章解释了如何在语言课堂上使用这个核心练习: http://education.俄亥俄州.gov / getattachment /主题/ Ohio-s-New-Learning-Stand...

外语年鉴 (可透过ACTFL网站浏览): http://vx4rs.ykyongsheng.com/publications/all/foreign-language-annals

语言教育者 had a focus issue on comprehensible input and output (see October/November 2014, 9:5), 可浏览ACTFL网站: http://vx4rs.ykyongsheng.com/publications/all/the-language-educator


语言学习应该是任何课程的核心部分. 原因如下:


ACTFL致力于提供愿景, 领导, and support for quality teaching and learning to prepare the next generation of global citizens.


We believe that all students should learn or maintain at least one world language in addition to English. 因此,语言学习应该是任何课程的核心部分.


当代对读写能力的定义不仅仅包括基本的阅读, 写作, 听, 和口语, adding the purposeful uses of these skills in today’s media- and information-rich environment.


In order for learners to achieve the highest level of proficiency possible, 长时间的连续研究是必要的.






Oral interpersonal communication tasks engage students for the purpose of exchanging information and ideas, 满足某人的需要, and expressing and supporting opinions through speaking and 听 or signing with others.


Grammar should be addressed within meaningful communicative contexts as one element of language proficiency.


The role of feedback for learners is critical in advancing language proficiency. Feedback should be provided in multiple forms including formative, summative and self-assessment.